Saving Energy, Saving Our Environment !

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Those among us who are really concerned about the environment and protecting the earth, are ever curious about saving energy.

Those among us who are really concerned about the environment and protecting the earth, are ever curious about saving energy. Many of us ask the question, “In what ways can I conserve energy at home?” Because they believe that we can all make a difference by making the right efforts to do so.

Energy conservation and global warming have become the big buzz words for debate and for discussion over the last decade. Media reports, advertisements and public campaigns consistently highlight taglines such as “energy-saving, global warming, and renewable energy.”

What is important to know is that it certainly does not mean your efforts with regard to energy savings have to be big. In fact, several small, energy-efficient modifications in your home can bring about a major difference, combined with efforts to motivate others to make these changes too. Indeed, saving energy in your home not only helps the environment but also helps reduce your home energy costs, and can even improve your overall health.

A lot of global citizens understand the point that the way we live has to change, but what does it really mean? How do we do it?

Why is Energy Efficiency and Conservation important?
The most significant aspect of energy efficiency and conservation is the positive environmental impact. Of late, more and more socially conscious citizens are becoming increasingly passionate about conserving energy in their homes, and this narrows it down to two essential reasons: lower home energy costs and less amount of destruction caused to the environment.

Our energy sources are non-renewable, so the less we consume, the longer we can save these resources. When we consume them more efficiently, we can cut back on overconsumption, and when we practice energy conservation, we wipe out unnecessary energy use.

The process of taking simple steps to living with more awareness helps to nullify some of the serious damage already caused to the environment. Environmental benefits of energy efficiency include reduced pollution, a protected ecosystem, and cleaner air and water.

What is the current negative impact of Energy Consumption?
When we jointly consume a large amount of energy, the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions generated is greater than what Earth’s atmosphere can absorb, resulting in erratic temperatures, air pollution, and climate change. These are linked to wildfires, increased temperatures, more extreme droughts and hurricanes. As a consequence, we damage our planet and our collective health. Saving energy can protect our environment while enhancing our personal lives. Saving energy can also help tackle air pollution and climate change.

Energy consumption is unavoidable and conducive to progress. However, the ways we use to produce energy can hurt the environment and society. It can result in greenhouse emissions and accelerate the noxious effects of climate change. When fossil fuels are burned, they can produce gases like carbon dioxide and methane, which in turn traps the Sun's energy on earth, prohibiting it from being emitted back into space. This can raise the earth's surface temperature and warm our oceans. When the temperature rises on the land and in the oceans, the rate of occurrence and severity of storm events can increase rapidly. The rise in surface temperatures, coupled with changes in rain and snowfall patterns, can produce large areas that undergo drought-like conditions. Droughts can result in decreased agricultural production, an increase in livestock deaths, and uncontrollable wildfires.

How does saving energy help our environment?
By downsizing energy use in our household, we'll see a significant reduction in carbon footprint, and we'll reduce our dependence on fossil fuels which are non-renewable and destructive to the environment. Living an energy-efficient lifestyle is vital for multiple reasons. First, it can aid in keeping the cost of rising energy prices down. Also, because energy-efficient systems usually last longer than older less efficient systems, the waste disposal is reduced. Lesser common maintenance, parts, and replacement help reduce unrenewable waste.