The Desirable Benefits of French Doors

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Who doesn't love a French door? These are classic, beautiful, and offer so many great benefits; you may wonder why you don't have one right now. Those that are considering upgrades to their home may be giving some thought to French doors. The great thing about this style is that they're perfect for interior and exterior purposes. You're not limited to just using them as a decorative door separating your dining room from your living room. You can also use French doors off your kitchen leading to your backyard or have a private entrance to your bedroom. Whatever design aesthetic you're looking for, this could be a perfect upgrade for you. Let's go through some of the key benefits of French doors.


Add Value To Your Property

Because French doors are somewhat sought after, they add tremendous value to any home. If you were to walk through a property and saw French doors, your immediate thought might be, "oh, French doors." This is not uncommon. That is because they are beautiful and offer a detail you don't normally see. This translates into more value.


Easier Access

A single framed door has greater restrictions than French doors. The typical French door construction will offer entry with both sides. This will essentially double your entryway space. More space means greater accessibility. If you're trying to remove things from your home to bring bigger furniture in, it can really pay to have a French door installed.



French doors are simply hard to compete with. They are gorgeous and add beauty to any space they are installed in. With many French door options, there are several glass features you can consider. From full glass to partial, this adds a characteristic you won't find with other doors.


What To Know About Installation

Window Installation Services and French doors can be quite difficult. This is because French doors are slightly larger, and they have a different technique needed. However, don't let this deter you. Installation of French doors isn't much more than traditional doors, and with all the value you'll add, it's a clear winner.

Are French doors right for your property? The answer may be more whether or not it's in your budget than anything else. Putting in a new door can be a complex situation. If you currently have a sliding glass door, the installation process won't be as difficult. But if your home is only framed for a single entry, it could be a more complex install.