About BookmarkWebs.com
Bookmarkwebs is a Social Networking Platform. With our new feature, user can share posts, photos, to the world

Welcome to MyAreaBlog.com 

Information Directory By Social Blogger

Post Your Blog or Ask Questions At MyAreaBlog Information Directory – Share & grow the world’s knowledge!

MyAreaBlog Guest Blogger Guidelines:

How To Submit Your Guest Post Idea


Admin is the first point of contact for any communication to do with guest posts. Her MyAreaBlog email address is [email protected]

Before you write your post, please follow these guest blogger guidelines and email admin with a brief outline of your idea and why you would like to write it. She ‘ll reply to advise you on its suitability. If your initial idea isn’t quite right, she’ll suggest some amendments that will make it suitable.

admin aims to reply within three working days of an approach but may take longer, especially at busy periods. If you haven’t heard from her a week on, please feel free to contact her again, in case your email has been trapped by a spam filter along the 111


We want to connect the people who have knowledge to the people who need it, to bring together people with different perspectives so they can understand each other better, and to empower everyone to share their knowledge.

-> Submit Blog to the World
-> Submit Your Guest post With Featured Image
-> Submit Your Question to ask
-> Submit Answer to Share Knowledge
-> Submit Press Release To the News Website
-> Submit Your Poll/Review


 Write to us, For Writing Content On MYAREABLOG Blogger Portal, By Following some Submission Guidelines


You can register for a Free Membership or pay for one of the High Authority membership . . To become register on MYAREABLOG, Write Your Details in With Your Detail Description in Contact us

Free Membership

You get unlimited access to free membership content

Price: Free!!

Click the “SIGN UP” Button to go to the Registration Page, After Filling the Registration Form, You have to activate the Link in Your Mail to Verify your Account. Only after that, you are able to Post your Blog in “Submit You Blog” Section of the Website . .

Our mission is to share and grow
the world’s knowledge.

Our  mission is to share and grow the world’s knowledge. A vast amount of the knowledge that would be valuable to many people is currently only available to a few — either locked in people’s heads, or only accessible to select groups.


We want to connect the All people who have knowledge to the people who need it, to bring together people with different perspectives so they can understand each other better, and to empower everyone to share their knowledge for the benefit of the rest of the world.

The potential of this is huge. If we can execute on our mission, we’re going to make a big impact on the world. We just need to get a smart group of people together that can get us there.

Why Choosing us
Our Values

1. Maximize long-term value

We are building a product that we hope lasts forever. We want to be a strong and independent engine, this long term focus guides all of the decisions we make.

2. Continuously learn and adapt

We value experimentation, metrics-driven decisions, and speed of iteration. We push to production with every commit so we launch as soon as work is done and learn as quickly as possible.

3. Execute

We value people who have great ideas but who also can quickly drive them all the way to bring their ideas into life.

4. Be direct and respectful

We expect and welcome constant feedback. We trust each other to be open and straightforward, so if you have anything in mind don’t hesitate to call us.