Body focused Repetitive Behavior it is also called as BFRB.

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Take control of your hair pulling or skin picking. For trichotillomania and dermatillomania. Stop your hair pulling today. Stop your skin picking today. To keep yourself engaged, you'll be using a series of worksheets that help bring motivation and help you set goals. I only talk abo



We see many of the people biting their nails, Nail biting program , and many more things. It is not a habit but a mental disorder which many people suffer. Nail-biting is a type of Obsessive-Compulsive disorder since the person has difficulty stopping. People often stop and make multiple attempts to quit without success. People with this habit cannot stop the behavior on their own, so it’s not effective to tell a loved one to stop this habit.

To stop biting your nail

  • Keep you nail trimmed short, having short nail less to bite and is less tempting
  • Apply bitter-tasting nail polish to your nails
  • Get regular medicines
  • Replace the nail-biting habit with the good habit
  • Try to gradually stop biting your nails.
  • Identify your triggers.

Many of they in Anxiety have nail-biting habits, and the repetitive behavior seems to help some people cope with challenging emotions. People who habit of nail-biting and twirling of hair they do it because of boredom are more common habits and to keep themselves busy and hand busy.

Trichotillomania is a Habit Reversal Training (HRT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy. It is developed for treating repetitive behavior such as skin picking, Hair pulling program , nail-biting or tics. There is no cure for this disorder, but it can manage and qualified therapy body-focused behavior practitioner this is the ideal method to deal with trichotillomania.

There is no treatment as such treatment for this bad habit, but they are Trichotillomania program is a type of Habit Reversal Program, might be effective in treating such as,

Awareness Training – the environment and the person identifies technology that can trigger an episode of nail-biting.

Competitive response training – the person practice to replace their nail-biting habit with another reversal habit.

Motivation and Compliance – the person gets engages in other activities and behavior that remind them of the importance of sticking with HRT and this may include praise from the family and friends during therapy.

Relaxation training – the person starts practicing meditation and deep breathing and they help to reduce stress and nail-biting.

Generalization training – they start practices their new skills in a different situation.

BFRB is an online program that can help and make a visible program with this self-directed program. It is never too late to start with us. we teach our clients to overcome one by one 21+ engaging videos and worksheets to overcome all your OCD.

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