Summer Security Tips

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Summer is here! Isn’t the best? Unfortunately, summer is also when burglars most often strike - July and August usually reflect the highest numbers.

This takes place in North Carolina as well as in the rest of the nation.  Why do burglaries spike during the summertime?  Reasons include:  

•    Open Doors and Windows:  people tend to leave their doors and windows open to take advantage of pleasant breezes and fresh air.

•    Less Time at Home:  summer is when most people get away.  80% of Americans vacation during the summer.

•    Heat:  rising temperatures make people irritable and uncomfortable and increase aggression and criminal activity.  

Summer Home Protection Tips

Again, summer is a great time.  We want you out there enjoying yourself.  So, we gathered some tips on keeping your home safe during the fun summer months.

•    Remember Your Doors and Windows:  always remember to close and lock your doors and shut and lock your windows, especially when you leave the house, and especially when you leave for an extended time period.  It may sound obvious, but many burglars easily enter homes through mistakenly open doors and windows.  

•    Replace Faulty Door and Window Locks:   waste no time replacing any defective door and/or window locks.  Burglars also easily enter homes with faulty locks.   

•    Invest in a Home Safe:  store valuables, such as cash, jewelry, and valuable documents in a home safe.  Even if a burglar somehow gains access, it would be difficult for them to get such valuables from the safe.  Plus, a safe isn’t all that expensive and is worth the expenditure.  

•    Limit Social Media Posts:  sure, you want to share your fun with friends and family on social media, but such poses a risk.  Smart burglars keep an eye on such things and plan strikes.  Should you decide to post your vacation journey, simply make sure your home is secure.   

•    Update Your Insurance:  use homeowners and rental insurance to  protect your assets, should you suffer an unfortunate loss.  Make sure it is current and up-to-date.  It might not make up for sentimental losses, but it will soften the blow.

•    Don’t Make it Obvious:  don’t let mail or deliveries pile up and make your being away apparent.  Have a friend or neighbor pick up your mail or deliveries.  

•    Enhance Your Home Security:  renovate your existing security system - upgrade and change your door locks, install deadbolts, and install cameras – you can use many remotely.   A trained, certified locksmith can provide a complete security system update.  

KR Locksmith

KR Locksmith (“KR”) is a family-owned locksmith in Charlotte NC that serves Charlotte and the nearby area.  Its highly trained professionals have over 15 years of experience in home, commercial, and automotive services.  It utilizes top quality locks and is proud of its leading locksmith reputation.  

KR is a professional Commercial Locksmith in Charlotte, Residential Locksmith Charlotte NC, and Auto Locksmith in Charlotte, NC that provides complete security solutions for families, businesses, homes, and anything that requires securing.  Its certified locksmiths use the most recent technology and are fully bonded,  licensed, and insured.

KR’s residential home security services include, but are not limited to:

•    Padlocks
•    Master Key Systems
•    Lock Duplication and Repairs
•    Security Door Gates
•    Padlocks / Decorative Locks
•    High
•    Mailboxes/ Lock Boxes
•    High Security Locks

Contact KR Locksmith today for all your professional locksmith needs.  Your privacy, security, and confidence are its primary concerns.