Don’t let OCD affect you—Join the OCD online program.

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Finally! A real therapist showing you how to treat your OCD from home. The program covers all topics of OCD! The Online OCD program takes you through REAL treatment. I've made sure you know exactly how to handle your OCD through the step-by-step videos. I've included specific v


OCD treatment is not difficult if you choose the right treatment, and obsessive-compulsive disorder can be so debilitating for those that suffer from it. OCD can be eliminated permanently rather quickly and easily. There are several different approaches to treating OCD, including meditation, psychotherapy, brain surgery, and self-directed treatment.

False memory OCD treatment refers to a cluster of OCD presentations wherein the sufferer becomes concerned about the thoughts that appear to relate to a past event. People with false memory OCD experience frequent doubts about things that have happened to them and may be convinced they’ve done something wrong despite evidence of these memories being true.

The best course of treatment for false memory OCD help is exposure and response prevention therapy. ERP is considered the gold standard for OCD treatment and has been found to be 80% effective. The majority of patients experience results within 12–25 sessions.

Contamination OCD treatment is an extreme fear of becoming contaminated by touching certain types of substances or certain items in particular places. Obsessive fear of sticky residues, grease, or dirt on one's body or clothing; fear of HIV, blood, cancer, bodily fluids, faces, or urine.

Contamination ocd help

People, who suffer from the contamination subtype of OCD likely experience obsessions like what if the doorknob had germs on it? What if I didn’t wash my hands correctly or for long enough? Or that person I just shook hands with may have been sick. People with these OCD fears often obsess about other things.

Harm OCD help is a subset of classic obsessive-compulsive disorder, and this condition is characterized by having aggressive, intrusive thoughts of doing violence to someone, as well as the responses the person uses to cope with these thoughts. OCD makes individuals feel that they can’t trust their own minds.

Harm ocd treatment

OCD and Anxiety Online welcomes you to the online OCD program that helps you overcome all types of OCD. We have a self-directed programme for OCD where you can learn,

  • Feel less anxious.
  • Learn to stop intrusive thoughts.
  • Take control of your life and OCD.
  • Learn the real evidence-based treatment.
  • Learn to be the boss.


This programme is literally life-changing for OCD. We provide you with true OCD specialists, 42 easy-to-watch videos, and we also provide you with worksheets and journals to help you on your way. Contact OCD and Anxiety Now at