Striction BP Reviews- Advanced Blood Sugar Supplement

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Striction BP is one hundred% natural, safe and effective Striction BP shark tank Ingredients

According to the Striction BP website, the supplement can help reverse BP. By taking one capsule of Striction BP daily, you can purportedly give your body the antioxidants it needs to support BP.


Does Striction BP really work? Or is Striction BP yet another diabetes supplement scam? Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about Striction BP and how it works.


What is Striction BP?

Striction BP is a nutritional supplement that uses a blend of antioxidants to support BP in multiple ways.


Described as a “breakthrough formula,” Striction BP can purportedly “awaken the feedback loop responsible for the BP and healing” within your body. By awakening this feedback loop, Striction BP could provide powerful support for BP.


Striction BP is marketed specifically to diabetics and pre-diabetics who struggle to manage their BP. Most doctors recommend a combination of drugs, diet changes, and exercise to manage diabetes. With Striction BP, you can purportedly support BP using antioxidants.


Striction BP is exclusively available through Striction BP.Com, where each bottle is priced at around $69. Each bottle contains 30 capsules or 30 servings of Striction BP. You take one capsule daily to support BP.



How Does Striction BP Work?

The makers of Striction BP have designed the supplement to provide three main benefits, including:


BP Support

According to the website, the supplement helps support your BP goals and the body’s natural ability to stay healthy. For most diabetics, their BP ‘goal’ is to lower their BP. Striction BP claims to help you support your BP goals.


Improved Blood Health

Striction BP claims to improve your blood health using antioxidants. These antioxidants target free radicals within your blood. They also support blood circulation, making it easier for blood to travel throughout your body. Many diabetics struggle with circulatory issues. When left untreated over time, these circulatory issues could even lead to tingling in the extremities, numbness, neuropathy, and even amputation.


Vitality Energy

Striction BP claims to improve your energetic wellbeing by combating fatigue and increasing vitality.


To achieve these benefits, Striction BP targets a feedback loop responsible for BP and healing. Your body has a feedback loop responsible for BP management and healing. By targeting this feedback loop, Striction BP can purportedly support the regenerative potential lying dormant within you, supporting your body’s ability to heal itself.



Striction BP Ingredients

The makers of Striction BP recommend that diabetics and pre-diabetics take one capsule of their supplement daily to support their BP goals. Each capsule of Striction BP contains a small blend of vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, and other ingredients linked to BP support.


The Striction BP label does not disclose the dosage of most ingredients within Striction BP, making it hard to compare the supplement to other diabetes supplements sold online today. However, most capsules contain no more than 600mg of formula, giving us a rough approximation of how many active ingredients are within Striction BP.


Here are some of the ingredients in Striction BP and how they could support BP and overall health, according to the makers of Striction BP:


Vitamin C and Vitamin E

Vitamins C and E are the two best-known antioxidants in the natural world. Fruits are rich in vitamin C, which is why doctors have found a diet rich in fruits tends to be healthier than a diet lacking in fruits. Striction BP contains 36% of your daily value of vitamin C and 100% of your daily value of vitamin E, similar to the doses found in any multivitamin. In comparison, one kiwi contains about 45% of your daily recommended value of vitamin C.



Striction BP contains biotin, a popular ingredient found in many other diabetes supplements. Striction BP contains 1,000% of your daily value of biotin or 300mcg. Your body needs biotin for cellular energy, and it could also play a role in supporting BP.



Chromium is another popular diabetes supplement ingredient. Researchers have found that people with diabetes tend to have lower chromium levels than people without diabetes. Many doctors recommend taking a diabetes supplement to help support BP. Striction BP contains 217% of your daily value of chromium, which could help your body balance its BP levels.


Zinc, Manganese, and Magnesium

Striction BP contains three other minerals, including zinc, manganese, and magnesium. Striction BP contains 30% to 68% of your daily recommended value of each mineral, similar to the dose found in half a multivitamin supplement. The minerals in Striction BP could support overall health in various ways, including BP health and overall cardiovascular health.



Guggul is a plant extract popular in India, where it was used in ancient medicine (like Ayurvedic medicine) for circulatory health, BP support, and other effects. Today, studies show that guggul could have a small but significant effect on BP. That’s why many diabetes supplements use guggul.


Bitter Melon

Almost every diabetes supplement sold online today contains bitter melon. The bitter melon extract has been linked to BP support – similar to guggul. Many diabetics take bitter melon extract daily to help support BP. Although it’s not backed by as much research as licorice and cinnamon, bitter melon could support BP in a small way, according to some studies. Bitter melon is the second listed ingredient in the Striction BP proprietary blend, which means it’s the second biggest ingredient in the formula.



Licorice is yet another popular diabetes supplement ingredient, and many diabetes supplements contain licorice extract. Studies show that taking licorice extract daily could help your body balance BP in multiple ways.



Cinnamon is the best-known spice for diabetics. Some studies have shown that cinnamon can help diabetics balance BP, although other studies have shown little difference between cinnamon and a placebo. Today, many diabetics take cinnamon daily to support overall health and wellness.


White Mulberry Fruit

Some studies have shown white mulberry fruit can help support symptoms of diabetes, providing BP support and targeting other aspects of health and wellness.


Amino Acids

Striction BP contains L-taurine and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), two popular amino acids linked to cellular energy. Some studies show that amino acids can support BP in various ways, and the makers of Striction BP are confident the amino acids in the supplement can help support healthy glucose circulation.


Other Herb and Plant Extracts

Other listed ingredients in the Striction BP proprietary blend include Gymnema Sylvestre, banaba leaf, juniper berry, yarrow, and cayenne. Because these ingredients are further down the list of ingredients, they’re unlikely found in large doses in Striction BP. However, they could provide small support to BP and cardiovascular health.



Scientific Evidence for Striction BP

The Striction BP website is filled with claims of people significantly reducing symptoms of diabetes after taking Striction BP. In one video, the makers of Striction BP seem to suggest their supplement can permanently eliminate diabetes from your body – despite the fact there’s no known cure for diabetes. What does science say about Striction BP? Do doctors recommend Striction BP as a treatment for diabetes?



Striction BP has not completed any clinical trials or medical studies, and the makers of Striction BP do not claim to have a medical advisory board, nutritional certifications, or other certifications that make them qualified to sell diabetes treatments online. However, the company insists its formula can support BP in people with diabetes, and they cite some studies on individual ingredients within the formula to prove it works as advertised.


The first listed ingredient in Striction BP’s proprietary blend is guggul. Guggul has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for overall health and wellness. However, it has not been proven to cure diabetes, reverse diabetes, or significantly lower BP in most people. In one review on guggul, researchers found that 25mg to 125mg of guggul resin per day could help support BP in a small way. However, researchers also cautioned that most guggul studies were done on animals – not humans. It’s possible Striction BP contains a similar dosage. However, with no dosage information listed upfront, it’s difficult to verify whether or not Striction BP uses the right dosage of guggul.


Biotin is found in many diabetes supplements, and Striction BP contains a significant dose of biotin (1,000% of your daily value). Striction BP also contains chromium, another popular diabetes supplement ingredient. There’s a reason so many diabetes supplements contain a mix of chromium and biotin. Studies show that this combination can help control BP or even lower BP. Your body needs chromium to process fats, carbs, and proteins, helping to control BP levels. Biotin has also been shown to support BP and cholesterol levels in diabetics while also helping with energy.


Striction BP also seems to contain a modest dose of bitter melon, as it’s the second listed ingredient in the Striction BP blend. In this 2013 study, researchers reviewed the evidence on bitter melon and concluded it had possible “antidiabetic effects.” Bitter melon has been used for centuries by traditional medicine practitioners in Asia, East Africa, India, and South America as a way to control BP. After reviewing evidence on bitter melon, researchers found that a dose of 500mg to 5,000mg of the bitter melon extract could support BP. However, this does seem much larger than the dose used in Striction BP.


Similarly, many diabetics take licorice supplements to help support BP. In this 2011 study, researchers gave licorice extract to rats with diabetes, discovering that the antioxidants in licorice extract helped to restore kidney function and manage BP. Licorice is particularly popular in traditional Chinese medicine. There’s no large scale evidence that licorice extract can lower BP or cure diabetes in humans; however, some research shows it could provide mild support for BP in a small way.


Overall, Striction BP contains several ingredients linked to BP support in multiple studies, including herbal extracts, vitamins, and minerals. It’s possible these ingredients could help you balance your BP. However, there’s no evidence you can cure diabetes, reverse diabetes, stop taking your diabetes medication, or stop following your doctor’s treatment plan after taking Striction BP.


Striction BP Ingredients Label

Striction BP has an unusual ingredients label. The company discloses the dosages of some ingredients but not others. Most active ingredients are hidden within a proprietary formula, and that proprietary formula has an undisclosed dosage. Although we know the doses of some vitamins and minerals, we don’t know the dose of crucial ingredients like guggul, bitter melon, licorice, or cinnamon bark.



Here’s the full list of ingredients as disclosed by Striction BP upfront:


50mg of vitamin C (56% DV)

15mg of vitamin E (100% DV)

300mcg of biotin (1,000% DV)

125mg of magnesium (30% DV)

76.5mg of zinc (68% DV)

1mg of manganese (43% DV)

76mcg of chromium (217% DV)

Unlisted amount of vanadium sulfate

Unlisted amount of a proprietary blend with guggul, bitter melon, licorice, cinnamon bark, Gymnema Sylvestre, alpha-lipoic acid, banaba leaf, yarrow, juniper berry, white mulberry leaf, L-taurine, and cayenne pepper extract

Other (inactive) ingredients, including gelatin (for the capsule), magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, rice flour, and silicon dioxide (as binders, fillers, and preservatives)

Striction BP Reviews: What to Expect When Taking Striction BP

The Striction BP website is filled with stories of diabetics enjoying significant benefits after taking Striction BP for a short time. The official website even seems to suggest that some diabetics can stop taking their medication after taking Striction BP, while others may even permanently reverse their condition.


Striction BP’s manufacturer shares the story of one diabetic, Andrew Freymann, who used Striction BP to enjoy significant benefits. Andrew took Striction BP, then claims “diabetes was eliminated from my body…forever” after taking the formula. In other words, Andrew claims to have cured himself of diabetes – permanently – using Striction BP.


Other customers cited on the Striction BP website claim they were skeptical about the supplement – but were ultimately able to enjoy its effects. One 27-year old woman from North Carolina claims she could “stabilize my BP and lower it to acceptable levels” after taking Striction BP. That woman wanted to try Striction BP as a way to save money on her diabetes medication.


How Much Does Striction BP Cost?

You will not find Striction BP in stores or through major online retailers like Amazon. Instead, you can exclusively buy Striction BP through the official website. Here’s how pricing works at the official website: