Lawn fungicides and disease

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Lawn fungicides are substances that prevent, kill, or slow down grass diseases. There are a wide range of available fungicides designed to control turf grass diseases, classed by factors such as their mobility and mode of action. When choosing a fungicide to manage your lawn’s turf disea

Integrated pest management (IPM)

On so many web forums the two most common questions we see are “what is the disease?” and “what can I spray it with?” We will discuss specific lawn diseases later but before you reach out for a fungicide you should be asking yourself “what’s the problem, what’s caused it and how can I stop it now and from happening again?” That’s where Integrated Pest Management (IPM) comes in.

IPM may not be familiar to some of you but it is something that you should be aware of. It means managing your lawn so that conditions don’t favour disease. Fungicide use should be regarded as the last resort and instead aim to use IPM as the foundation of a disease control plan. IPM is a strategy that doesn’t rely entirely on fungicides. The approach consists of five steps.

  1. Check the turf for signs of disease, such as discoloured patches or lesions on leaves, stems or roots;
  2. Set action thresholds;
  3. Fertilise and water properly;
  4. Look at the use of biologicals before resorting to fungicides
  5. and lastly evaluate whether all of the above have worked and what impact they have on the environment.

By following these steps, you can create an effective and sustainable strategy for maintaining your lawn’s health.

More information is at the Gilba Blog